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Your retirement

Whether starting your first job, looking to expand your portfolio or preparing for retirement, your super needs will differ. At NGS Super, we're passionate about providing you with the tools, information and resources relevant to what's happening in your life today.

Retirement goals

How much will I need?

One of the most important steps in planning to save for your retirement is deciding how much you will need to live a comfortable lifestyle. 
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Calculate your super estimate

If you’re thinking about your retirement, an estimate of your retirement super balance is a good place to start your planning.
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How long will my super last?

Are you wondering how long your super will last? Consider the factors that will influence your retirement savings and estimate a timeframe. 
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Improve your retirement outcomes

How to make voluntary super contributions

Voluntary super contributions not only increase your balance but often include tax advantages.
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Downsizer contributions

Downsizer contributions are a way for people aged 55 or over to boost their total superannuation balance.
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Financial planning

Good financial advice can help you set goals and make confident and informed financial decisions.
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Review your super

How to start planning your retirement

A great retirement doesn’t appear from thin air — to make it happen, you’ll need a plan.
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Nominating beneficiaries

Nominating beneficiaries is the only way to have your say on who you'd like your super to go to.
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Take the risk quiz

Find out if your risk appetite matches your investment choices.
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Retire with NGS

Transition to retirement

Opening an NGS Transition to retirement account lets you draw down an income from super while still working.
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NGS Income account

With an NGS Income account, you'll get regular income payments from a tax-effective environment and continue to keep your money invested and earning returns.
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Easy default

Support and advice

Advice services

Our expert advice team can help you make sense of your finances, and guide you to achieving the goals you have, whether big or small.
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Learn with NGS

We’ve got a wealth of information and tips to help you make better choices for a brighter future.
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Use e-Advice to help plan your retirement

Get personal advice on your super and test if you are on the right path to their retirement.
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What sort of retirement do you want?

The savings needed for retirement will be different for everyone. Take our quiz to get an idea of the kind of retirement that may suit you.

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