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After-tax contributions

How it works

After-tax or ‘non-concessional' contributions are extra contributions you make from money you've already paid tax on, like your after-tax salary, a tax refund or an inheritance.

Why make after-tax contributions to your super?

Boost your balance

The more you put into your retirement savings now, the more you may have to enjoy later in life.

Government co-contribution

If eligible, the government will reward your savings efforts with a co-contribution of up to $500.

Spouse contributions

By boosting your spouse's super balance, you could be eligible for a tax offset of up to $540.

Government co-contribution eligibility

If you will earn less than $60,400 this financial year, a regular or lump sum after-tax contribution could qualify for the government’s superannuation co-contribution scheme.

That means, for every dollar you contribute, they’ll also put in up to 50 cents. The maximum co-contribution you could receive is $5001 for every financial year you’re eligible.

Am I eligible?

See how much you could get with our co-contribution calculator.

1 The amount varies depending on your taxable income and how much extra you can contribute for every financial year you’re eligible.

Spouse contributions

Spouse contributions are contributions your partner makes on your behalf from their after-tax income. By making a spouse contribution (up to $3,000) to your super account, they could also be eligible for a tax offset of up to $540. To be eligible for the tax offset, you (as the receiving spouse) must have an annual income of less than $40,000.

Am I eligible?

See how much you could get with our co-contribution calculator.

How to make voluntary contributions

It's easy to make either regular or one-off lump sum after-tax contributions to your NGS Super account. Simply choose the contribution method that best suits you:

  • use your unique BPAY® reference number found on your Member Online account to contribute via your internet banking (find your BPAY® details in Member Online by clicking the ‘person’ icon at the top of the screen, then selecting 'Personal Details') or
  • request for your employer to deduct a regular amount from your take-home pay by completing a Payroll deductions authority form.

You can also attach a cheque to a completed Lump sum contribution form or have your spouse attach a cheque to a completed Spouse contribution form.

After-tax contribution limits

Rules and restrictions apply to how much you can contribute to super with after-tax money. It’s important to be aware of the limits; exceeding the contribution caps could mean paying extra in tax. For full details on the caps applicable, please carefully read our fact sheet Opportunities and limits for super contributions.

Lodge your tax return

Once you’ve lodged your tax return, the ATO will pay any co-contribution that you’re entitled to into your NGS Super account — generally within 60 days. The amount will then appear on your next member statement.

When your spouse’s tax return is lodged, the ATO will take the tax offset for any spouse contribution into account when calculating the tax refund.

For more details, check out our fact sheets Let the government top up your super and Make spouse contributions work for you. You can also call us on 1300 133 177, Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm (AEST/AEDT).

Co-contribution calculator

Calculate your super co-contribution and spouse contribution tax offset entitlements.

Your 2024–25 total taxable income* (Check eligibility conditions)
Maximum government co-contribution you could receive
Personal after-tax super contribution required to receive maximum government co-contribution amount^
After-tax contribution amount your spouse will make on your behalf^
Tax offset amount your spouse will be entitled to as part of their tax return (Check spouse tax offset eligibility conditions)
Personal after-tax super contribution you will make
Government co-contribution you will receive (Refer to important information below)

Important information

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