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Learn about super
Learn about super
Fees and costs
How your super is taxed
Super for teachers
Your tomorrow matters
Grow your super
Grow your super
Salary sacrifice
After-tax contributions
Boost your partner's super
Claim a tax deduction
Downsizer contributions
Manage your super
Manage your super
Consolidate super
Accessing your super
First home super saver scheme
Nominating beneficiaries
Tools and resources
Tools and resources
Compare super funds
Super forms
Advice services
Preparing for retirement
Preparing for retirement
How much will you need?
Transition to retirement
Understanding risk and your retirement
How to retire with NGS
Start your retirement
Start your retirement
NGS Income account
Easy Default
Accessing your super in retirement
Super and the age pension
Retirement Bonus
Manage your retirement
Manage your retirement
Income account payment options
Nominating beneficiaries
Working after retirement
Tools and resources
Tools and resources
Advice services
Retirement forms
Income Protection
Income Protection
Life & Disability insurance
Life & Disability insurance
Making an insurance claim
Making an insurance claim
Tools and resources
Tools and resources
Insurance guide
Insurance forms
Your investment returns
Your investment returns
Investment performance
Unit prices
Superannuation product dashboard
Managing your investments
Managing your investments
Investment options
NGS Self-Managed
How NGS manages investments
Investment policies and principles
Tools and resources
Tools and resources
Monthly market update
Investment guide
Investment forms
Advice services
Supporting your employees
Supporting your employees
Your super obligations
Workplace visits
Why employers choose NGS Super
Tools and resources
Tools and resources
NGS QuickSuper
Fact sheets
Forms and guides
Meet our team
About Us
About Us
Service Promise
Meet our team
Advice services
Fund information
Education and support
Careers at NGS
Forms and resources
Forms and resources
PDS and fact sheets
Learn with NGS
Events and webinars
News and updates
Contact us
About Us
Service Promise
Meet our team
Advice services
Fund information
Education and support
Careers at NGS
Forms and resources
PDS and fact sheets
Learn with NGS
Events and webinars
News and updates
Contact us
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Join now
Learn about super
Fees and costs
How your super is taxed
Super for teachers
Your tomorrow matters
Grow your super
Salary sacrifice
After-tax contributions
Boost your partner's super
Claim a tax deduction
Downsizer contributions
Manage your super
Consolidate super
Accessing your super
First home super saver scheme
Nominating beneficiaries
Tools and resources
Compare super funds
Super forms
Advice services
Super is likely to be one of your biggest investments. Learn how you can make the most of your super savings from the start of your career through to your retirement.
Make super work better for you
Preparing for retirement
How much will you need?
Transition to retirement
Understanding risk and your retirement
How to retire with NGS
Start your retirement
NGS Income account
Easy Default
Accessing your super in retirement
Super and the age pension
Retirement Bonus
Manage your retirement
Income account payment options
Nominating beneficiaries
Working after retirement
Tools and resources
Advice services
Retirement forms
Retirement is an opportunity to focus on doing the things you love. Learn how you can get the most out of your super savings so you can enjoy this time of your life.
Retirement with NGS
Income Protection
Life & Disability insurance
Making an insurance claim
Tools and resources
Insurance guide
Insurance forms
Many of us insure our homes and cars, but often forget to insure our most important asset — our ability to earn an income and provide for our families.
Insurance in super
Your investment returns
Investment performance
Unit prices
Superannuation product dashboard
Managing your investments
Investment options
NGS Self-Managed
How NGS manages investments
Investment policies and principles
Tools and resources
Monthly market update
Investment guide
Investment forms
Advice services
There’s more to super than simply saving. Our Investments team works hard to create a robust portfolio that balances investment risk while maximising returns for our members.
Investments in super
Supporting your employees
Your super obligations
Workplace visits
Why employers choose NGS Super
Tools and resources
NGS QuickSuper
Fact sheets
Forms and guides
Meet our team
For employers
When you partner with NGS for your super you get access to benefits including personalised support from our Customer Relationship Managers, onsite workplace education, and tools and resources.
Employer services
Employer tools and resources
Fact sheets
Fact sheets
Superannuation information for you
Australian Government — Super for employers
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How much to pay
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Ordinary time earnings
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Superannuation information for your staff
How super works
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Fund information
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Fees, costs and tax
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ASFA Retirement Standard — what is a comfortable retirement
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Boosting super
Government contributions
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Opportunities and limits for super contributions
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Salary sacrifice and save
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Splitting contributions with spouses
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Planning ahead
Nominating beneficiaries
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Making a will
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Accessing super
Gaining access to super
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Super and the age pension
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