Target Market Determinations
What is a Target Market Determination?
A Target Market Determination (TMD) is a document that describes the type of consumer our products are appropriate for — that consumer is the ‘target market’. It also includes details about how we distribute each of our products and when/how we review the TMD for each specific product.
Why does NGS Super have to provide Target Market Determinations?
From 5 October 2021, all issuers of financial products need to have TMDs (among other obligations) under the Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019.
This legislation is designed to make sure that we are keeping consumers/members at the centre of our approach to the design and distribution of our superannuation products.

Investment options
We have a range of investment options — both pre-mixed and sector-specific— to suit various investment goals, timeframes and risk tolerances.