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Investment options

You can choose the level of choice and control you’d like for your NGS account, whether you invest in:

  • a single option
  • a combination of options
  • our NGS Self-Managed Direct Investment Option (DIO). The NGS Self-Managed Direct Investment Option will be closing. We expect the closure to be completed prior to 30 June 2025. Learn more

We have a range of investment options — both pre-mixed and sector-specific — to suit various investment goals, timeframes and risk tolerances.

Default investment options

If you don’t make an investment choice for your NGS Accumulation account, your money will automatically be invested in our Diversified (MySuper) option.

If you don’t make an investment choice for your NGS Income account, your money will be automatically invested in the default investment strategy, and your account will be invested 12% in the Cash and Term Deposits option and 88% in the Retire Plus option. More information on each of these investment options is provided below.

The default investment strategy will also apply if you choose to set up your NGS Income account with Easy Default on the Application form.

If you don’t make an investment choice for your NGS Transition to retirement account, your money will be automatically invested in our Diversified option.

Pre-mixed options

Our pre-mixed options include a range of investment types (or 'asset classes') with varying risk levels. For example, a pre-mixed option may include investment types like Australian shares, Property and Government bonds.

The weightings for each investment type within our pre-mixed options vary, depending on the option’s specific objectives. We manage the mix of these investment types, while our fund managers manage the actual investments within them.

Our pre-mixed options

Sector-specific options

Unlike the pre-mixed options, a sector-specific option is mainly made up of one investment type, rather than a mix of several. For example, our Property options will expose you to Property investments, as its name suggests.* Our expert fund managers handle these options.

* The Property option, along with various other NGS sector-specific options, invests in cash in order to manage operational cashflow demands. See our Investment guide for more information. 

Our sector-specific options

NGS Self-Managed Direct Investment Option

The NGS Self-Managed Direct Investment Option (DIO) is a direct investment gateway — similar to a self-managed fund — with access to ASX-listed companies, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and term deposits. This option offers more flexibility and control — you should only consider it if you can commit to a high level of involvement in the investment of your retirement savings. The NGS Self-Managed Direct Investment Option will be closing. We expect the closure to be completed prior to 30 June 2025. Learn more

Managing your super investments

You also have to think about what sort of investor you are. You may be more conservative or prefer more aggressive growth options. It’s worth taking the time to see which choices suit your stage of life and your needs.

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How NGS manages investments

Whether you're in our default investment option or have selected options specific to your goals and risk tolerance, it's a good idea to get an understanding of how we manage investments on your behalf.

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