Manage your retirement
Income account payment options
You've got plenty of flexibility within your NGS Income account around how you receive your income payments. There are some conditions to meet, but generally, how much you receive and how often is up to you.
Working after retirement
Retiring doesn't mean you'll never want to work again. Some people enjoy returning to work in their later years. Whether on a part-time or full-time basis, there are options available for working after retirement.
Nominating beneficiaries
Under Australian law, your super isn’t automatically included in your estate, so making a will isn’t enough. That's why it's important to nominate beneficiaries — it can help ensure your super ends up in the right hands.

Advice services
As a member of NGS, you have access to our dedicated advice services. Our expert advice team can help you make sense of your finances, and guide you to achieving the goals you have, whether big or small.