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Managing your super investments

At NGS, we know that everyone is different and has different plans for their retirement. That’s why we offer a range of investment options to help you reach those goals within the level of risk you’re willing to take. Our investment team will work hard to deliver sound long-term returns, while our Super Specialists and Financial Planners are here to help you choose the investment options that best suits your needs and maximises your super savings.

Investment options

We have a range of investment options — both pre-mixed and sector-specific— to suit various investment goals, timeframes and risk tolerances.
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How NGS manages your investments

Whether you're in our default investment option or have selected options specific to your goals and risk tolerance, it's a good idea to get an understanding of how we manage investments on your behalf.
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Investment performance

Our performance summaries show the net return after investment fees, tax and the asset-based fee. You can also access our latest performance summaries.

Unit prices

The unit price of each of our investment options depends on the value of its underlying assets. As the value of those assets moves, so does the unit price.
View latest unit prices

Projects we invest in

NGS invests in vital projects including infrastructure, emerging technologies, and renewable energies to help build stronger and more connected communities.
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Investment guide

This guide sets out things to consider — like risk and investment timeframe — when selecting investment options. It also provides detailed profiles for each of the NGS investment options.

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