Super is likely to be one of your most important investments. That's why our Investments team works hard to create a robust portfolio that delivers sound long term performance. Our investment approach balances the need to manage investment risk while maximising returns for our members.

Your investment returns
You can access our latest performance summaries, unit prices and product dashboard.
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Managing your investments
At NGS, we know that everyone is different and has different plans for their retirement. That’s why we offer a range of investment options to help you reach those goals within the level of risk you’re willing to take.
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Investment performance

Monthly market update
Get the latest insights from our Investments team on the economy, local and global markets as well as the performance and management of NGS investment options.
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Investment options
We have a range of investment options — both pre-mixed and sector-specific— to suit various investment goals, timeframes and risk tolerances.
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How NGS manages investments
There's more to super than simply saving, so it's a good idea to get an understanding of how we manage investments on your behalf.
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