Unit prices
Our unit prices are normally determined daily (on business days only). Unit prices for a particular day are usually available on our website within 2 business days.
Our performance summaries show the net return after investment fees, tax and asset-based fee.
Super is a long-term investment — we encourage you to seek financial advice before making any changes to your investment strategy, especially any short-term changes. All investments carry some risk, and investment returns are not guaranteed.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
From 1 July 2017, investment performance and unit pricing for NGS Transition to Retirement (TTR) accounts is the same as NGS Accumulation account investment performance and unit pricing. This is due to changed tax rules from 1 July 2017 which mean that TTR accounts are taxed at 15% per annum from that date. For TTR account investment performance and unit pricing prior to 1 July 2017, please refer to Income account information.
How do unit prices work?
Money that's contributed or transferred into your NGS Super account is converted into units. The unit price for each investment option moves up or down, depending on the performance of its underlying investments.

Alfie holds 7,000 units in the Balanced investment option, which, for illustrative purposes, is valued at $2 per unit. So, the total value of Alfie's Balanced units is currently:
7,000 x $2 = $14,000.
As the unit price changes, the value of Alfie’s 7,000 units will change too.
When are unit prices set?
Our unit prices are normally determined daily (on business days only). Unit prices for a particular day are usually available on our website within 2 business days.
In certain circumstances — for instance, if investment markets become volatile — we may suspend unit pricing. This means that we may stop account transactions until a fair unit price can be determined. Once unit pricing resumes, transactions received during the suspension period will be processed, and the unit price on the day the suspension is lifted will apply.
The unit prices applied to your transactions depend on the type of transaction and the time that we receive your request:
- Withdrawals and Income account payments — the most recent unit price available on the day and at the time we process your payment will apply.
- Investment switches — if received by 4pm (AEST/AEDT) on a business day, the unit price declared on that day will apply. This will be reflected in your account 3 days later.
- Contributions — if received by 6pm (AEST/AEDT) on a business day, the unit price declared on that day will apply.