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We offer a range of advice services to NGS members. Our advice team can answer your questions — big or small — and guide you through options to help you make the most of your financial situation.

Financial Advice Helpline

Sometimes a quick phone call is all you need. Our Financial Advice Helpline can give you limited advice relating to your NGS account, like choosing your investment options or making extra contributions.

To speak to someone from our Financial Advice Helpline, contact us on 1300 133 177 and we’ll set up a time for you.

Chat with a Super Specialist

Chatting with a Super Specialist could be the right option if you're looking to delve a little deeper than a quick phone call but don't need an entire financial plan. Our Super Specialists can help answer questions about your super, investments and insurances. Whether you're at the start of your career journey, approaching retirement or anywhere in between, the team is here to help.

Chat with a Super Specialist

NGS Financial Planners

There are many reasons to get financial advice, at various stages of your life. NGS Financial Planners can provide you with holistic advice on your super and beyond.

Our planners can give you expert strategies tailored to your circumstances, to help you achieve your financial goals. They'll also expand your financial knowledge, empowering you to make smarter decisions about your money generally.

What to expect from financial planning

The value of advice

Getting advice is a good way to make sure your finances are well-organised for both now and the future, and that’s important no matter what stage of life you’re at.  

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