How much do you need to retire?
21 Mar 2025
2 min read
Retirement might seem like something to worry about in the future, but the sooner you start paying attention to your retirement savings, the better prepared you will be when the time comes to stop working. Being financially secure in retirement means you will be able to live out retirement the way you want. Whether it's travel, finally learning to speak French or spending more time with family and friends, you can create your perfect big tomorrow.
While there are guides available, such as the ASFA Retirement Standard, everyone's requirements are going to be different.
You can, however, follow these 3 steps to help you plan for your future.
1. Think about what your big tomorrow looks like
The key is to think about your needs, goals and dreams. You can start the process by answering the following questions:
- How do you see yourself spending your time in retirement?
- Do you plan to work in any capacity?
- Do you like to travel? Is travel something you'd like to do in retirement?
- Where will you live, and what costs will be attached to that? Don't forget about any renovations or other related costs.
- Do you have any dependants or anyone that you may need to support financially?
- Do you have finances available for any potential medical costs?
During this process, be mindful of seeking advice from friends and family. It may be tempting to ask those around you how much they think you will need to retire, however taking on other's advice can be misleading.
2. Use the NGS calculator
The new NGS calculator is an easy-to-use tool that can help you understand how much income you may have in retirement and how long your super could last. You can also model the impact on your super balance on various factors, including making additional contributions, working fewer hours, and adjusting your investment mix.
Calculate your super savings.
3. Speak to a financial planner
It's a good idea to speak to a financial planner to help you plan for retirement and understand what steps you may need to take to get there.
A financial planner can:
- Discuss your goals for the short and long-term and help you reach those goals.
- Help you understand the likelihood of being able to meet your goals and how long your financial assets may last through retirement.
- Provide strategies and recommendations to assist you in maximising any entitlements.
Book an appointment with a Financial Planner.
Not sure you need to see a Financial Planner?
You can also speak with one of our Super Specialists. It's free, and they can answer your general questions about superannuation, investments, insurance or transition to retirement. Seeking advice is a way to plan for your future, to mitigate risks and make the most of your saving opportunities. Education is integral to the planning process — it's important that you feel confident and informed at all times.
Book your free chat with an NGS Super Specialist.
This is general information only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, or making an investment decision, consider whether it is appropriate to you and read our Product Disclosure Statements and Target Market Determinations. You should also consider obtaining financial, taxation and/or legal advice tailored to your personal circumstances before making a decision. This information has been issued by NGS Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 003 491 487 as trustee of NGS Super ABN 73 549 180 515, RSE Licence L0000567 and AFSL 233 154.
Call us on 1300 133 177 if you would like to speak with us further, or you can discuss matters with one of our NGS Super Specialists, or an NGS Financial Planner.