Boost your partner's super
You can add to your partner's super using either before-tax or after-tax money. There are different processes and benefits for each option — the best method for you and your partner will depend on your circumstances.
Before-tax — splitting concessional contributions
How it works
Splitting is the process of giving your partner1 a portion of your super contributions. Here's how it works:
- Your account receives eligible before-tax contributions — that is, employer, salary sacrifice or deductible personal contributions.
- You request for some of those contributions (up to 85%) to be transferred to your partner's super.
How to get started
Check your balance
For contribution splits with NGS, your account balance after the split cannot be less than $10,000. You can request one split per year.
Check your request timing
If you want to split your contributions, we must receive your application by the end of the financial year after the contributions were made.
Complete a Contribution splitting form
Once you’ve decided how much you’d like to split with your spouse (within the limit), simply complete a Contribution splitting form and send it to us.
For all the rules around contribution splitting, read our fact sheet Split super contributions with your spouse.